Make your Productivity!

Introducing MakerTime app, the fully automated, offline productivity coach designed to provide valuable insights into your daily work routine, helping you achieve exceptional focus and deep work success.


We respect your data privacy right

We prioritize data privacy as a fundamental human right, giving you complete control over it. We never share your personal information without consent and your activity is analyzed and stored securely in an encrypted database on your computer


Intuitive charts show daily or weekly activities

We know that your time is the most important treasure in the world. Therefore, what we can do for you is help you understand how you spend your time on the computer. We display visually when you are productive, researching, communicating, or just dealing with something else in order to help your own development.

feature 1


Discover how to achieve a deeper level of concentration and productivity by using Focus time

Regular focus sessions can encourage a consistent workflow leading to improved performance over time. Incorporating the Focus Interval method into your daily routine can not only enhance your efficiency but also contribute to a better mental wellbeing by reducing stress and increasing satisfaction in your work.

feature 2

User Guide

Our comprehensive User Guide is ready to assist you. This resource allows you to easily acquaint yourself with our features.


Automatic Activity Categorization

Automatic Activity Categorization

MakerTime runs in the background and it will automatically categorise your activities into Producing Research, Collaboration, and Other buckets

Customize Categorization

Customize Categorization

Seamlessly switch bucket and category of your activities to receive customised overview of your productivity

Personalized Insights

Personalized Insights

Receive daily, weekly, and monthly analytics to help you understand your work habits and make informed adjustments for improved productivity



Take control of your productivity by selecting specific applications and URLs that MakerTime will never record

Coming Soon


Discover Your Engineering Identity

Showcase your code and MakerTime will build your Engineering DNA.

Empower your personal brand with our deep dive analysis of your committed codes (GitLab, GutHub). MakerTime extracts clear, data-driven evidence of your experience with the tech stack and your software engineering prowess, making it effortless to keep your CV updated and relevant.


Interactive charts

Receive valuable insights from MakerTime:

  • Language timeline
  • Language overview
  • Your working speed
  • Your work style
  • Top tool

...and much more!


Share your data

Don't just stop at comprehensive analysis. With MakerTime, you can instantly generate a professional, shareable PDF showcasing your proven experience and skillset.

Distribute your unique 'Engineering DNA' to employers, stand out in your network, and drive your career in tech forward. With MakerTime, you're always a step ahead.

Our mission

Empower IT professionals with the essential tools and insights needed to enhance productivity, maintain work-life balance, and master time management skills.

Our principles

We are dedicated to creating a comprehensive productivity coach that leverages data-driven intelligence, personalized recommendations, and seamless user experience to enable IT professionals to thrive in their work environments.


Interested in increasing your productivity?